donderdag 12 november 2015

Shop and another Magic Ball

Amway Center

Amway Center

Today it was time to leave the house. We packed up our things, made sure we left it cleaned as instructed and went to Orlando to eat breakfast, go shopping and see the Orlando Magic play against the Los Angeles Lakers.

First we had to get all the stuff out of the house. Packing up suitcases and loading them into the car. Then put all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and the bed linnen into the washing machine. Right on time we were ready to leave the house. We had some leftover drinks which we gave to the cleaning crew.

From there we went from Kissimmee to Orlando to get some belated breakfast. We ended up at The Egg & I in Orlando for an amazing good breakfast. Perfectly cooked Parisian Egg Benedict, poached eggs, which were delicious. A very good cheeseburger too and a very tasty cinnamon waffle.

After the meal we went to the Florida Mall to go shopping. We spent a couple of hours in the mall going from front to end and back again. We was some great stores. Due to veterans day it was a bit crowded. The mall was starting to look a bit more like Christmas.

After a couple of hours, it was time to head over to the hotel I am staying in for the next two days and from there to the Amway Center to see the Orlando Magic taking on the basketball game against the Los Angeles Lakers.

For me the second basketball game this vacation, for Huddie and Josine the very first basketball game ever. It was an amazing experience and a very exciting match to watch. Both teams were playing very well and with only 1.5 seconds to go the score was 99-99. Orlando scored the buzzer beater and after review the ball was good, making the Orlando Magic the winner of the game with a 101-99 score.

From there our ways part. Huddie and Josine are going to Cocoa Beach and I am staying for a couple of days more in Orlando. In a couple of days we will re-unite in Cocoa for a couple of days.

Shop and another Magic Ball

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